Sho-Ban Games

Several games are played by the Sho-Ban to include Indian Football, Spear Hoop, Shinny Game, and Rock Juggling.

Indian Football:
It is fun and competitive team sport. How to play:
1.Each team has 5 units which consists one man and one women who must hold hands continuously throughout the game. It is favorable to tie the wrists together in order not to break the bond.
2. Object of the game is to penetrate the opponents goal. Goal posts are to be placed approximately eight feet apart on the ends of the playing field. The field may be as long as a football field or about 75 feet long.
3. There is a referee to maintain order and to keep the game in progress.
4. Teams are to be dressed in traditional clothing and NO SHOES are to be worn.
5. To win a point the Indian football, made of deer hair in buckskin or denim, must be KICKED THROUGH THE GOAL BY THE WOMEN. The man CANNOT kick the ball or throw the ball or run with the ball. This is true for the woman. She can only kick the ball. The man can block and protect the woman from other kickers and he can place the ball only by pivoting.
6. There is no time limit. The normal game may be four points. This can be determined at the start of the game.

Shinny Game: Only ladies play this game. It is played similarly to hockey. There may be 5 to 7 players on a team. Willow birch or chokecherry sticks,4-5 feet long, are used to throw the NOYO to a team mate with the objective to throw the NOYO through the goal posts. One point is gained. Teams again assemble at the mid point of the playing field for the referee to throw the NOYO in the air at which time the game again begins. Ladies are not to strike, trip, slash the opponent(s) with the stick. Sticks should not be raised higher then the shoulder.
Players play at their own risk There is not time limit. Can play for a predetermined amount of point or time. This game should not be played at dusk, and it is recommended that there be a time out for sleep and not continue for days.

Indian Kick Ball: Competitors are teamed in groups of four or three. Several teams may play. This is a race to the finish line.
A. Ball is made of deer hide covered with buckskin or denim-size of a volleyball.
B. Players are to were moccasions.
C. Each team has a ball. Before each kick the players alternate kicking the ball. Designate the chronological order of player to kick the ball. The to cross the finish line is the winner.

Rock Juggling: Women primarily play this game. Competitors select their own rocks, three or four rocks. Women are lined up at a starting point. The finish line is 40 to 50 feet long. The judge starts the race with a drop of the hand, hat, or audibly. The women race to the finish line juggling as they walk or run. If a racer drops a rock, she must immediately stop in place, pick up the rock and begin juggling and then she may start to walk or run to the finish line. First to cross the finish line is the winner.
Provided by Sho-Ban Opportunities